Astro-Bash 2024 Schedule

Subject to Change

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Knowing the karmic story is so important in counseling a client. For this talk, I will use the chart of musician Kurt Cobain. I wrote an unpublished essay on this topic that I will rework into the talk which has lots of good visuals and if there is capacity and time I would like to play some song or video clips. Here is a snippet–but in the actual talk I develop in more detail his karmic story and karmic complexes.

A Unified Approach to Wellness Evolutionary astrology helps identify innate potential and areas for personal growth, while medical astrology describes how illnesses manifest in the body. If we apply a modern understanding of what causes most disease, these different approaches, evolutionary and medical astrology, two distinct “languages”, can be more unified in practice using a few simple concepts. Research shows that up to 90% of illnesses are stress-related. By using the birth chart as a personalized health guide, we get a unique 360° view on reducing stress and improving overall health. I combine evolutionary and medical astrology in a simple and accessible way. The combination of these two astrological lenses show us how to reduce disease-causing stress with great specificity, helping us achieve and maintain total well-being. Using client charts, I’ll discuss my step-by-step application of these two approaches that unify them into a practical, accessible, holistic method. There will also be a Q&A for further discussion.

We live in two worlds as a physical embodiment of our souls. Each has its own path, and they often seem at odds with each other. This can be seen in the conflicts of our scientific age with the acceptance of Astrology. This talk will overview a few aspects of how recent shifts Biology due to Complexity Theory and new techniques can begin to bring the two worlds into better alignment. I’ll also explore how these new shifts can contribute to a more effective Astrology practice.

 A burning question is urgent, personally relevant, relentless. It arrives often after having exhausted other modes of resolution. Horary can be apt here, but it works best when one’s concerns are fully understood. We begin with clarification. Come learn the basics of a Socratic method of inquiry to help unearth the circumstances and beliefs undergirding a client’s situation. Besides creating a deeper self-awareness, this process helps the client retain personal agency. Now, the evolutionary perspective illuminates why this, why now, and how to navigate it. Even when the chart indicates what’s undesired, the client acquires a wider perspective to adjust and acclimatize. Let’s explore together!

Past life regression can help confirm what we see in a birth chart regarding past life dynamics and karmic signatures from the perspective of evolutionary astrology. If the birth chart indicates past life themes, regression work can help fill in the missing pieces of the story. Combining these two methods can be a powerful tool for bringing clarity and healing to what may be affecting your life. Ashley will demonstrate how these two methods seamlessly weave together using client examples. 

Friday, September 27, 2024

In modern astrology, the Aries Point (AP) is the first degree of tropical Aries, and any placements in hard aspect to this degree, via squares or oppositions, are considered to activate the AP. In this presentation, we will explore the AP’s potential significance in relation to the natal chart and world events. For decades, modern astrologers have considered the AP important as a symbolic point of contact between the individual and the broader public sphere, emphasizing its relevance in the natal chart. However, the AP also appears significant in relation to world transits and collective-level events. We will look at significant alignments impacting the AP both historically and in the charts of influential individuals born with notable placements within the AP axis. With two meaningful conjunctions activating the AP over the next several years, a new understanding and discussion about this dynamic zodiacal degree is relevant.

I will be talking about the stress and emotions humanity’s quest for connection, Astrology and the breath and their influence on culture and religion.

Contemplating how Neptune will manifest its energy through the fiery qualities of Aries can initially seem like a paradox or, at the very least, a complex puzzle. How can the ethereal needs for Oneness, bliss, and transcendence align with the fast-paced, impulsive, and independent nature of Aries? Is it possible to merge with the divine (or another human) while fiercely asserting one’s individuality? Neptune, and especially Neptune in Pisces, represents our yearning for soulful connection, while Aries operates on pure life instinct. How will this radical shift of Neptune from Pisces to Aries in 2025 impact our close or intimate relationships? This presentation will explore how we can embrace fiery, soul-centered love in alignment with the Neptune signature of our natal charts.

So I’ll be talking about how the archetypes and topics of Neptune are pervasive in black culture and the black experience in America. From exploitation to fashion and style, Neptune shows up powerfully. Both the more ethereal and transcendent forms of Neptune, and the more deception and disillusioning sides of Neptune.

Evolutionary Astrology implies past-life karma that has ripened for us to transform and heal in our current life. The birth chart shows this and can even give us information as to the wise path to take to accomplish this task as part of our pre-birth intention. But how do our own personal challenges and achievements fit in with the intention of the greater spiritual cosmos? What happens to all the spiritual fruits we accrue on our incarnational path when it comes to its fruition? Our earthly lifetime has a spiritual purpose for our present incarnation as well as for the greater spiritual cosmos itself. This intentional purpose can be revealed through the chart at the moment of death. The moral substance and fruits of our life biography are shown in the death chart as the gifts we bear on our return back into spirit. Examples of this technique for reading the life biography from the death chart will be demonstrated in this presentation by Stan Posey at Astro Bash 2.

Saturday September 28, 2024

What if this voice had been heard and not silenced? How can we dream into the now, and co-create with ancient wisdoms in modern times? My desired format will include: Present more developed archetypes, review some charts of people/events with strong asteroid placement or sensitive points, and seek participation from attendees regarding the relevance of evolving further discussion of this little known asteroid.

Astrology is such a powerful tool for understanding who a child is and their journey in this lifetime. But how can we converse with parents while honoring the potential in the chart and the child’s free will? How can we leverage the gift of insight that IS the natal chart in a way that promotes connection? In this session, we’ll dive into what Tara calls Parenting Astrology. We’ll look at planetary development and the essential (and age-appropriate) components to share with parents in a children’s session. She’ll also speak about the parental signature, the parent-child relationship, and how to talk with parents about challenges they may have with their child — all while celebrating the infinite possibilities of expression in the birth chart.

Let’s not apply yesterday’s answers to tomorrow’s questions! Pluto in Aquarius is a different beast than Pluto in Capricorn. How will its effects as it transits around our charts be different from what we have grown accustomed to experiencing over the past sixteen years? We’ve all gotten used to Pluto’s Capricorn face. The times are changing. In this half-day workshop, Steven will introduce this “new Pluto”, then illuminate its impact as it moves through aspects, both to your natal planets and to the houses of your chart. We will pay special attention to this newly-emerging Aquarian Pluto’s relationship to your natal Pluto placement. People born with Pluto in Scorpio will be facing their Pluto Squares. “Baby Boomers”, with Pluto in Leo, will be among the first generation of humans to live long enough for the majority of them to experience the rare Pluto Opposition. As ever, our evolutionary orientation will be toward counseling ourselves and our clients in a spirit of respect for the life-shaping power of freedom, conscious choice, and imagination. We will also make time to welcome questions about Pluto’s impact on the individual charts of class members.

Let’s not apply yesterday’s answers to tomorrow’s questions! Pluto in Aquarius is a different beast than Pluto in Capricorn. How will its effects as it transits around our charts be different from what we have grown accustomed to experiencing over the past sixteen years? We’ve all gotten used to Pluto’s Capricorn face. The times are changing. In this half-day workshop, Steven will introduce this “new Pluto”, then illuminate its impact as it moves through aspects, both to your natal planets and to the houses of your chart. We will pay special attention to this newly-emerging Aquarian Pluto’s relationship to your natal Pluto placement. People born with Pluto in Scorpio will be facing their Pluto Squares. “Baby Boomers”, with Pluto in Leo, will be among the first generation of humans to live long enough for the majority of them to experience the rare Pluto Opposition. As ever, our evolutionary orientation will be toward counseling ourselves and our clients in a spirit of respect for the life-shaping power of freedom, conscious choice, and imagination. We will also make time to welcome questions about Pluto’s impact on the individual charts of class members.

Sunday September 29, 2024

Learning how to recognize emotional patterns, utilize what you’re feeling, and create your ideal emotional state. (Demonstrated in 4 different ways for each element)

In the current space & time that we are in, many have a strong perspective on if illness happens at the level of spirituality or physicality? The truth is, every situation is different, however, through the lens of evolutionary astrology & medical astrology, we can access deeper insights into what type of illnesses might arise along with the emotional & psychological challenges that people may also experience. Knowing how to see the connection as well as being sure to not assume they are always one & the same is important when approaching astrology in a holistic way. We will explore certain signatures & examples in charts as well as have an extended Q &A at the end to really learn how to perceive where the why of health issues end & begin.

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